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为进一步帮助青年教师做好职业发展生涯规划,教师发展中心将邀请原美国加利福尼亚大学(Berkeley)电机与计算机科学系教授,原香港大学副校长吴复立教授来校为青年教师作题为“Career Planning under Environment not Completely Controllable”的研讨沙龙。届时,吴复立教授将与大家就青年教师职业发展等方面展开交流。




联 系 人:陈少丹 张明铭


人事处教师发展中心办公室 2015年4月10日


Felix Wu is currently Distinguished Visiting Professor in Clean Energy and Environment at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Professor Emeritus (Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB). He is helping HKU to develop an institution-wide long-term strategic plan in the areas of sustainable energy and environment. He served as Pro Vice Chancellor (Vice President) of HKU from 1997 to 2000 and Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Electrical Engineering from 2001 to 2010. He joined the faculty at UCB in 1974 and has been a Professor Emeritus since 1999.

Professor Wu received his BS degree from National Taiwan University, MSc degree from University of Pittsburgh and PhD degree from University of California, Berkeley.

He was awarded Fellow of the IEEE for “contributions to the development of theory and computation methods for power system planning and operation”. He was the TEPCO Chair of “Frontier Technology for the Future Electric Energy System” in 1991 and held visiting professorship at Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH-Zurich), University of Tokyo, University of Cassino (Italy), Tsinghua University and many other universities. He served as a consultant to a number of industry and government agencies including California Public Utility Commission, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Electric Power Research Institute (USA), ABB-Systems Control, Starcraft Norway, Iberdrola Spain, etc.

Professor Wu served as a Trustee of Croucher Foundation (2003-2010), Board Member of Shantou University (2000-2003), Council Member of Hong Kong Productivity Council (1999-2000) and a member of Hong Kong Government Electricity Appeal Board (1997-1999). He is a founding member of International Institute for Critical Infrastructures (registered in Sweden) and served as its President from 2003-2005.

He served as the Chairman of International Advisory Committee at the Forum on Strategic Development of Smart Grids for the Minister of Economic Affairs of Taiwan (Dec 2011). He is currently serving as the Chairman of the Task Force on Energy, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences and also serving on the Smart Grid Advisory Panel of CLP Power (Hong Kong).